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Thread: Hurricane Ian

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Hurricane Ian

    I didn't know where else to put this, so I put it under General.

    Hurricane Ian as done a lot of damage across Florida, and has affected many Home Inspectors along with everyone else, and they will likely be affected for quite some time, depending on the damage in their areas.

    Hurricane Ian is now heading up to the Carolinas, and may gather itself back together and become a hurricane again before hitting land once again, and affecting even more Home Inspectors.

    Hoping all are safe and will be okay.

    Same applies to all the Home Inspectors in the wildfire areas and other disaster areas. Stay safe first, then hope all will be okay.

    Been there and done that, it definitely affects the Home Inspectors as it is not just 'their homes' which are affected, it affect their business, and sometimes for months, even years (sometimes for the good in the the end - after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, South Florida went through about an 8-10 year rebuilding boom).

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    Inspection Referral
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Hurricane Ian


    I was thinking something along the same lines and wondering if you were thankful that you no longer resided in South or Northern Florida.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Hurricane Ian

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar Alquist View Post
    ... wondering if you were thankful that you no longer resided in South or Northern Florida.
    We had a vacation house up here, not far from where we are (we found that it was 'go to vacation house, do maintenance on it; go back to Ormond Beach, catch up maintenance on; wash, rinse, repeat', we decided to sell the vacation house and either keep the Ormond Beach house or sell it too and move up here. Mimi asked what I thought about moving up here ... I gave some reasons for, and against, moving here, and one of the reason for moving was 'no more hurricanes to look out for'.

    While that was not "the" reason to move, it was a positive reason which added to the other positive reasons for moving. And, yes, we are glad we did.

    Hurricane Ian went across the state and out over where we used to live - our old neighbors are without power right now. The people who bought our house are finally using the generator I bought but never had to use after I bought it. While the street flooded (again, like it does in hurricanes), the rolling 'hilly' subdivision is such that no house on our old street will ever flood ... some other houses 'downhill' from our old street might.

    Hey, we were "high" up at ... 23 feet above sea level!

    We are at 2,150 feet up here.

    And our lot slopes down about 35-40 feet from the house to the creek in the back. If the water rises enough to flood house here ... I think someone will be in the process of building a big wooden ship and collecting all the animals, two by two.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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