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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Attic Venting WTF

    Hi Guys. It's been a while. Hope you are all doing well.

    Attached you will find pictures of an attic venting. I've been inspecting for a very long time but I have never come across this scenario.

    There are 4 such pipes (Pic 2) coming from the interior of the home (Pic 1). They pass the attic to connect to the turbine vents you see in Pic 3.

    Can anyone tell me the reasoning behind this set-up?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New Mexico

    Default Re: Attic Venting WTF

    I see that here when an old solar hot air system was removed from service. The collectors were on the roof, and usually get taken down to replace the roof. It's usually a pair of ducts to each collector, one up and one back down, so that checks out with your setup.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Attic Venting WTF

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilbert View Post
    Hi Guys. It's been a while. Hope you are all doing well.

    Attached you will find pictures of an attic venting. I've been inspecting for a very long time but I have never come across this scenario.

    There are 4 such pipes (Pic 2) coming from the interior of the home (Pic 1). They pass the attic to connect to the turbine vents you see in Pic 3.

    Can anyone tell me the reasoning behind this set-up?
    So if I understand. There were solar panels on the roof at one time and they removed the panels and installed the 2 turbines (see attached pics).
    BTW Thank you for your help.
    Ok so now the piping must be remove to restore venting to the attic because the 2 turbine vents are directly connected/piped to the apartment below?
    P.S. There is a small screened hole visible on the pipe (Pic # 3) but never enough to vent the attic area.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Attic Venting WTF

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilbert View Post
    ... apartment below?
    "Apartment" not a single family house or townhouse?

    That completely changes things as an "apartment is like a "condo" in that all which is rented (apartment)/all that is owned (condo) is the "space", not the walls/ceilings/floors (which will be rated assemblies) and definitely nothing penetrating those rated assemblies unless the penetrations are rated/protected assemblies.

    Dryer ducts and such are allowed if certain requirements are met, typically that the dryer ducts are only open to a single unit and continue uninterrupted to the exterior with no other openings and be minimum 26 gauge steel (not the typical 30 gauge used for dryer ducts). There are exceptions, such as when stacks are enclosed in chases with a single exhaust fan at the top and each unit enters the chase in a rated penetration, and enters the stack as required for such penetrations.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Attic Venting WTF

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    "Apartment" not a single family house or townhouse?

    That completely changes things as an "apartment is like a "condo" in that all which is rented (apartment)/all that is owned (condo) is the "space", not the walls/ceilings/floors (which will be rated assemblies) and definitely nothing penetrating those rated assemblies unless the penetrations are rated/protected assemblies.

    Dryer ducts and such are allowed if certain requirements are met, typically that the dryer ducts are only open to a single unit and continue uninterrupted to the exterior with no other openings and be minimum 26 gauge steel (not the typical 30 gauge used for dryer ducts). There are exceptions, such as when stacks are enclosed in chases with a single exhaust fan at the top and each unit enters the chase in a rated penetration, and enters the stack as required for such penetrations.
    Thanks Jerry. Never a dull moment in Home Inspection. It is very important to know such codes as you mentioned. It is so simple (once someone points it out) anything passing through walls either to go to another room or apartment or to the outside must be questioned.
    What is going on? and is it legal?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Attic Venting WTF

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Robinson View Post
    I see that here when an old solar hot air system was removed from service. The collectors were on the roof, and usually get taken down to replace the roof. It's usually a pair of ducts to each collector, one up and one back down, so that checks out with your setup.
    After you told me what you thought it was, I started learning about those systems and sure enough you were right. That's exactly what it is.

    Thanks Jim, it was helpful.

    footnote; I think we have our roles reverse. LOL Our mid-winter temperatures hover around - 40 degrees and you're in New Mexico and you are familiar with solar heat.


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