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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Hello folks,

    I've been trying to find home inspection report narratives, or a comments library in order to supplement my current home inspection software narratives. I have lots of great report narratives, but I know I could use a LOT more.

    I need comments in all of the categories - such as electrical, heating, cooling, and so forth. Anyone have any ideas where I might find some ? Either free and/or a cost to acquire same ?

    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    St Paul, MN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    I think most of us write our own and save them in the inspection software for future use.
    Minnesota Home Inspectors LLC
    ASHI #242887

  3. #3
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    May 2014

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Ken - I'm sure your correct about that, but I've heard there's somewhere you can purchase the narratives (discrepancies) comments. Forgot where I heard it from, .... so that's why I thought I'd ask you fellow HI's ?

  4. #4
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    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Using someone else's narratives is certainly possible, but it doesn't sound organic to others reading the report as it's penned in a different voice.

    And will you know how to describe the issue verbally if you can't craft the proper narrative? Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. I prefer to use my own words, and tweak the narrative to suit the task at hand.

    You can probably use someone's narrative as a learning tool. I have added certain parts of my disclaimers and warnings based directly on shared experiences from speakers at numerous inspection conferences over the years.


  5. #5
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    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Most programs come with canned comments and at best they are a starting point to build your own. With Home Inspector Pro you can download a number of user generated templates that have comments.

    If your doing what I think you are - building your own report system using word or otherwise, I suggest you reconsider. Your reports are the tangible product that will be around long after you have left the property. Do you really want to go cheap on a tool that you will use every day and may be used to generate (or lose) business?

    Spend the money on a good report system.


    Rick Bunzel

  6. #6
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Schenck View Post
    Ken - I'm sure your correct about that, but I've heard there's somewhere you can purchase the narratives (discrepancies) comments. Forgot where I heard it from, .... so that's why I thought I'd ask you fellow HI's ?
    How much are you willing to pay? I'll be glad to write you custom verbaige or sell you some stock comments, after 20+ years I have plenty...

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Here ya go this is my general template for all my comments..., no charge brother.
    "This component (enter whatever here) is damaged, defective or just plain jacked-up, in my opinion". Please don't sue me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Schenck View Post
    Hello folks,

    I've been trying to find home inspection report narratives, or a comments library in order to supplement my current home inspection software narratives. I have lots of great report narratives, but I know I could use a LOT more.

    I need comments in all of the categories - such as electrical, heating, cooling, and so forth. Anyone have any ideas where I might find some ? Either free and/or a cost to acquire same ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Robert, those guys are funning with you, but their point is valid -write your own as much as possible.
    My suggestion is to search other inspectors' websites and read their sample reports.
    Also this a great way to improve your reports, by studying how other guys write theirs.

    If you copy someone's verbiage, you should change some of the sentences to make it your own, or contact them and get permission.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  9. #9
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    In my view many inspectors get caught up on wordy over hyped info in reports which is not required. Most people want clear concise info. Why beat around the bush, get to the point.

    Canned verbiage certainly has its place, don't see a problem using canned terms if they fit the occasion.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  11. #11
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    I looked at the sample that NACHI is offering. They might be helpful for someone that does not have a library already, or needs help coming up with ways to communicate a finding. Very comprehensive list for just under $100. I wouldn't buy it, but I'm sure there are many that will, because they need help writing their reports.
    However, they seem to be the same stuff I see in the basic inspection software packages anyway.
    I also agree that one should learn to communicate their findings in their own words.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    However, they seem to be the same stuff I see in the basic inspection software packages anyway.
    Very true. That's because most of the report writing companies in our industry have InterNACHI's narratives built into their software. Some companies sell it with their software and some offer it to inspectors as an add-on.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  13. #13
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    I'm not sure which is the horse, and which is the cart. Did NACHI copy the inspector software narratives, or are you saying they all copied NACHI's?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Feldmann View Post
    I'm not sure which is the horse, and which is the cart. Did InterNACHI copy the inspector software narratives, or are you saying they all copied InterNACHI's?
    It's our product. We worked with the reporting software companies to integrate our library of narratives into their software so that the library can be drawn from seamlessly when writing a report.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  15. #15
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    Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Kenton Sheppard , one of InterNACHI's main educators spent years writing a complete, detailed library for the US and for other countries as he worked with some governments to help them get inspectors going abroad. The template he sells can be loaded directly into Home Inspector Pro. Very few use his template as their template. What guys do is open to copies of Home Inspector Pro side by side and copy and paste (multiple comments at once) directly into the sections they need help in.

    For example, our software (and most, if not all I've seen) doesn't really have a specific comment library for log homes. So guys will load those narratives in. We've seen quite a few guys purchase it to have more narratives. We purposely didn't want 20,000 narratives in our software, that would overwhelm guys. Having that extra library has helped others. As Scott and Rick mentioned you can also download dozens of other templates from users on our message boards.

    Home Inspector Pro - Home Inspection Software & Home Inspection Website Hosting
    Runs on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & iPad. Import HomeGauge, 3D & InspectVue Narratives!

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    And here is the product sold separately from HIP software: World's Largest Library of Inspection Narratives on CD - InterNACHI

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  17. #17
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Pre written boilerplate verbiage like this no matter how good is one of the main reason we have so many inspectors that do not know how to covey their findings in an intelligent manner. It is also one of the main reasons for home inspector lawsuits! You can't use someone else's thoughts and pre written verbiage and not make the report sound and read like it was written by a robot with a learning disability. I feel another reason folks want pre written comments is their own lack of knowledge of the subject matter. This is not how you learn if you don't know it!

    If you have everything given or provided to you without ever challenging yourself to write proper descriptive comments then you will never learn. It's not difficult to craft home inspection comments and boilerplate for your reports. I think the largest misconception is that pre crafted boilerplate speeds up the reporting process....... It might save you five minutes with a typical report if that. Most folks can easily type in the 20-30 words a minute range and this is slow for the majority.

    My advice is to slowdown while writing your reports, use a little boilerplate for common items that you see at every inspection but then write new comments for the not so common items. If you are not sure, then look it up and write about it in your own words, not somebody else's.

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 11-21-2014 at 10:04 AM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  18. #18
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    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Per written boilerplate verbiage like this no matter how good is one of the main reason we have so many inspectors that do not know how to covey their findings in an intelligent manner. It is also one of the main reasons for home inspector lawsuits! You can't use someone else's thoughts and pre written verbiage and not make the report sound and read like it was written by a robot with a learning disability. I feel another reason folks want pre written comments is their own lack of knowledge of the subject matter. This is not how you learn if you don't know it!

    If you have everything given or provided to you without ever challenging yourself to write proper descriptive comments then you will never learn. It's not difficult to craft home inspection comments and boilerplate for your reports. I think the largest misconception is that pre crafted boilerplate speeds up the reporting process....... It might save you five minutes with a typical report if that. Most folks can easily type in the 20-30 words a minute range and this is slow for the majority.

    My advice is to slowdown while writing your reports, use a little boilerplate for common items that you see at every inspection but then write new comments for the not so common items. If you are not sure, then look it up and write about it in your own words, not somebody else's.

    I agree
    Kinda like going to Autozone to read an error code on your car.
    It's much more informative to have someone explain it to you.

    On a few items I have prewritten verbiage, but for most, I write as I go.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Per written boilerplate verbiage like this no matter how good is one of the main reason we have so many inspectors that do not know how to covey their findings in an intelligent manner. It is also one of the main reasons for home inspector lawsuits! You can't use someone else's thoughts and pre written verbiage and not make the report sound and read like it was written by a robot with a learning disability. I feel another reason folks want pre written comments is their own lack of knowledge of the subject matter. This is not how you learn if you don't know it!

    If you have everything given or provided to you without ever challenging yourself to write proper descriptive comments then you will never learn. It's not difficult to craft home inspection comments and boilerplate for your reports. I think the largest misconception is that pre crafted boilerplate speeds up the reporting process....... It might save you five minutes with a typical report if that. Most folks can easily type in the 20-30 words a minute range and this is slow for the majority.

    My advice is to slowdown while writing your reports, use a little boilerplate for common items that you see at every inspection but then write new comments for the not so common items. If you are not sure, then look it up and write about it in your own words, not somebody else's.
    LOL. And you might as well write your own reporting software while you're at it.

    Our professionally-written narrative library is editable so that you can tweak the comments to your liking.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  20. #20
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    LOL. And you might as well write your own reporting software while you're at it.

    Our professionally-written narrative library is editable so that you can tweak the comments to your liking.
    Lisa........Bless your heart!

    You just do not have a clue about inspecting a home and writing a comprehensive, coherent, understandable and defensible report.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    You just do not have a clue about inspecting a home and writing a comprehensive, coherent, understandable and defensible report.
    True. But Kenton Shepard, the InterNACHI Director who authored most of InterNACHI's narrative library does.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    True. But Kenton Shepard, the InterNACHI Director who authored most of InterNACHI's narrative library does.
    I agree, Kenton is a good at what he does.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  23. #23
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    LOL. And you might as well write your own reporting software while you're at it.
    If you did write software you would have a better knowledge of how to use it and it's capabilities. Just like writing or expressing thoughts. If you only mimic someone else you never develop the ability to effectively convey your own thought. If you do not have the knowledge or experience and rely on others to give the appearance of literacy, you will not evolve to a higher plain of expressive writing ability.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Canned verbiage?

    Is that an oxymoron since pretty much all posts from Liza via NG are canned responses?

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Canned verbiage?

    Is that an oxymoron since pretty much all posts from Liza via NG are canned responses?
    Do you think that they may be using a robo search and post program??? Naaaaa, this is the only forum that they seem to come to.........Unlessss , this forum is just the beta test before world wide use...

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Garry are you a certified beta tester?

    Canned verbiage for whatever silly reason reminds me of Monty Python..,d.cWc

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    It has been said by many that I may be Certifiable in many areas, if only by the fact that I actually get "Flying Circus" and Python humor.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    It has been said by many that I may be Certifiable in many areas, if only by the fact that I actually get "Flying Circus" and Python humor.
    That much mean you are another fan of Fawlty Towers?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    That much mean you are another fan of Fawlty Towers?
    Most definitely. I look at them as training films for keeping a hotel.

  30. #30
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    Aug 2020

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Great artilce thanks and keep them coming!

    <a href=?http://www.>Rubber City Home Inspectors Akron Ohio</a>
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  31. #31
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    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Majority of the software templates that I've ever seen have poorly worded narrative comments, lots of text book sounding inspector speak. This is the number one thing that kills a new home inspectors business before it can get off the ground. And the so called expects that have made templates (library comments) suck, the last one I bought was a complete train wreck and I got my money refunded. It's ok to use some stock template comments and tweak them to your liking, make it sound like it's coming from you. The best thing is write all of your comments your self and build up your template. You can also search the net for specific topics to get some content ideas.

  32. #32

    Default Re: Home Inspection Report - Looking for Narrative Comments

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Bunzel View Post
    Most programs come with canned comments and at best they are a starting point to build your own. With Home Inspector Pro you can download a number of user generated templates that have comments.

    If your doing what I think you are - building your own report system using word or otherwise, I suggest you reconsider. Your reports are the tangible product that will be around long after you have left the property. Do you really want to go cheap on a tool that you will use every day and may be used to generate (or lose) business?

    Spend the money on a good report system.

    + Agree


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